Entries with tag artificial intelligence .
What’s it like to be an entrepreneur in the technology sphere? Joy Poole, Founding Partner of Emergence, appeared on the Hays Tech Founders series to share her experiences. Joy discussed the themes that have stayed with her throughout her journey, and knowing which mindset to turn to throughout her career.
The metaverse and its associated augmented realities are fast becoming popular, and the benefits can easily be applied to the world of work. As the world’s largest specialist recruiter, it’s important that Hays Technology explores the potential this has to change not only how we collaborate, but also recruit and train the workforce.
Robots are digital workers. Digital workers work with digital data. The clue is in the name. I’m being flippant but it is an important point when considering automation. Robotic Process Automation is really at the core of automation technologies and is often the starting point for organisations wanting to drive productivity quickly. The challenge is that few organisations are entirely...
We all strive to deliver the best possible experience and service to each of our customer groups. Artificial intelligence (AI) is developing as a method in increasing the efficiency of providing that experience, but in doing so it also requires data to inform machine learning. How do we demonstrate the value of AI, so that people are comfortable to share richer data? What are the...
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries.